Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission is now CLOSED for the 23rd Congress of the Scandinavian Society for Surgery of the Hand Copenhagen, Denmark 22-23 August 2024

The following guidelines can also be downloaded here

Deadline for submission:
5 April 2024 at 23.59 hours (CET) - POSTPONED to 19 April 2024 at 23.59 hours (CET).


You should only submit an abstract if you intend to attend the congress and be physically present. If your abstract is accepted, you must register for the congress no later than 31 May 2024.


All abstracts received by the indicated deadline will be evaluated by a panel of peer reviewed. The submitting author will receive a confirmation of acceptance for oral presentation or poster presentation, or a notice of rejection, by email by 8 May 2024.


The scientific committee will select a number of posters for conventional printed display. These posters will be cued at a short “pitch a poster” session, and the author shall be present at the displayed poster at a scheduled “poster walk”. Posters selected for display will be notified by the organizing committee. Size of posters is A0, width 841 mm x height 1189 mm.

  • Language: Abstracts should be written in English.

  • Abstracts:
    • The title (including spaces) should not exceed 30 words and should be written in sentence case.
    • The abstract should not exceed 250 words including spaces and punctuation.
    • The abstract must be structured in the following four specified subtitles: Background including aim, Methods, Results and Conclusion. 5 keywords is preferable, describing the your abstract for scheduling and indexing purposes.
    • Tables/graphs: A maximum of one table AND one graph/image can be inserted as PDF files of maximum 5 MB each.
    • Registration of authors: Names, titles, institutional affiliations, cities, countries, and email addresses of all contributing authors should be provided. The presenting author (not necessarily the first author) should be identified.


  • Type: You are encouraged to state if you wish to submit your abstract as
    • an oral presentation (5 minutes) or
    • a poster presentation (paper poster)


  • Category: Abstracts must be submitted under one of the following categories/topics:


    • Original scientific study – The abstract is limited to 250 words under the subheadings: Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions.


    • Case report /Technical note – Shorter reports of an interesting case and technical tips and tricks of general interest can be accepted depending on available time. The abstract is limited to 250 words of free text.


    •  Thesis – Any member of SSSH who has defended a thesis after the SSSH 2022 meeting, is given the opportunity to hold an oral presentation of their work. To apply for a presentation, email your thesis abstract. You will be offered 10 -15 min, depending on availability.


Best national abstract, young researcher

The scientific committee of the meeting will choose one abstract from each member society by a younger researcher to be granted with a free entrance to the event. The winners will be notified latest by author notification deadline. If a winner has already paid the entrance fee, this will be refunded.


Abstracts are to be submitted as afore mentioned at the latest 19 April 2024 at 23.59 hours (CET) to the following email address:

Questions related to abstract submission can be addressed to the above-mentioned email address.


On behalf of the Scientific committee for SSSH 2024.

Michel Boeckstyns, Janni Kjærgaard Thillemann, and Marcus Landgren

1 December 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark